Greta Thunberg:
"Since the rise of human civilization, we have cut down half of the trees in the world, wiped out more than two thirds of the wildlife, and filled the oceans with plastics, as well as initiating a potential mass extinction and a climate catastrophe. We have begun destabilizing the very life support systems we all depend on. We are, in other words, sawing off the branch we’re living on."
That's from page 18 of “The Climate Book” --
#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
The faster they make you go, the less likely and the less time you have to learn differently, to research, to develop real understanding. The faster you go, the more tired you get, the more control they have to keep you there. The bar keeps getting lower as they make you more dependent on them. And of course quality or care in everything goes down.
It is no longer about what is made or why, it is about occupation and exploitation of human & planetary resources. Occupation in both meanings.
Speed is something demanded of by capitalism. Speed has altered our whole world and not always for the good. Speed is time and time is money for capitalists. Specifically *your* time, their money. And the faster they can make you go, the more they crack that whip, the more speed you need to survive. You need that newest fastest thing to 'compete'. To look like you are in the race.
They have you on the run in their machinations.
When we should all just STOP running the machine for them.
Israelgo armadaren arabera, Gazako mugan hedatuta dauden tropak «laster» sartuko dira hara: «Kokagune guztiei egingo diegu eraso, Hamaseko kide guztiei, eta azpiegitura suntsituko dugu. Hitz batean, irabaztera goaz».
Israelen lehorreko ofentsiba datozen orduetan has daitekeela dirudi. Gazako mugan tropak hedatzen ari da, zibilei berriro esan die hegoaldera ihes egiteko eta Sderot ebakuatzen hastear dira. Jada 2.450 palestinar hil ditu Israelek.
Ikusle bat Ipuruatik bota dute Palestinako bandera bat erakusteagatik.
Gure zibilizazio demokratiko aurreratu honek nazka ematen dit.
One of the #Palestinian families that reached the Maghazi camp in southern #Gaza told the #BBC "the last three days had been "unspeakable".
"We are hostages here for both sides, for #Israel and for #Hamas ."
"If Israel are not able to find Hamas, they must not bomb the civilians and the infrastructure. We are not animals, we are not in a zoo, we are human beings."
Australiako aborigenen eskubideen aldeko proposamenak porrot egin du erreferendumean, ezetza nagusitu baita estatu guztietan.
‼️Hombres mayores con poder e investigadoras precarias: así es el #AcosoSexual en el ámbito académico‼️
📖Una de las conclusiones de un estudio liderado por Helena Legido y Montserrat Gea.
✍️Lo cuenta Noemí López Trujillo.
Emissions from computing are apparently higher than for air travel, and that’ll only go up in the coming decades.
“As a society we need to start treating computational resources as finite and precious, to be utilised only when necessary, and as effectively as possible. We need frugal computing: achieving our aims with less energy and material.”
Milioi bat lagunek arratsaldeko 16:00ak arte dute beraien bizitza osoa atzean uzteko, historiako genozidio handienetako baten parte izan nahi ez badute. Gehienak ezingo dira irten. Munduko gobernuek, beti bezala, beste leku batera begiratzen duen bitartean.
Israel genozida! Sionista hiltzaileak, atera zuen esku zikinak Gaza eta Zisjordaniatik. #BDS #FreePalestine
Making a murderer.
@gaizkaizagirre -ren lumatik @berria bidez gugana iritsi eta... AHOA BETE HORTZ utzi gaitu
Amaitzear da Israelek milioi bat gazatarri emandako ultimatum #FreePalestine
Benetan uste dut etorkizuneko historialariek gaurko egunez Gazari egindakoari garrantzia handia emango diotela zenbait gauzen amaiera azaltzeko.
Ez dauka atzera bueltarik.
Gaurko egunez duela 90 urte, Gabriel Aresti Segurola poeta eta idazle bilbotarra jaio zen.
𝐴𝑠𝑘𝑎𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑘 𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑗𝑎𝑟𝑎 𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑏𝑎𝑜𝑛 𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑧𝑎 𝑜𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑒ℎ𝑎𝑟, 𝑖𝑙𝑢𝑛𝑎 𝑒𝑡𝑎 𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑎 𝑑𝑎
Kostan Elkartekideekin, Zarautzen. Urteak pilatu ahala, ikusi, ikasi, entzun eta eztabaidatzeko gogoa bizi-bizi duten lagun asko Modelo aretoan. #badabestemodubat
@eguneanbehin is a game to play once a day. And I think that's beautiful, bai horixe!
Euskaldun kooperatibista potojorralaria.
Opinions expressed are my own.
Ahal dela, euskaraz.