Erakutsi berriagoak
Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

Gaur Miren Etxezarreta Zubizarreta gipuzkoar ekonomialari, ezkerreko intelektual eta gizarte mugimenduen inguruko ekintzaileak 88 urte betetzen ditu.

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

Dakigun beste sare sozial horretan (X deituko dugu) Bilbon ertzain batzuek hartutako lekukoa gogor kritikatu dute.
Ba niri positiboa eta txalogarria iruditzen zait faxistek kontrolatutako gorputz polizial batean euskal balioen alde publikoki agertzeko gai diren ertzainak egotea, jakinda barruan jasan beharko dutena. Ertzaintzan aldaketak nahi baditugu, halako pertsonei babesa eman behar diegu, ez egurtu. Hori, bere kideek egingo diete. Egunero.
(A ze garaiak, ni polizia batzuen alde idazten...)

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada
Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

"They got money for war but can't feed the poor"
Poster spotted in Meanjin / Brisbane

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada
Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

Seguru #Korrika zer den denok dakizuela, baina... noiz sortu zen? Zenbat kilometro izaten ditu? Gaur #IkasiOtsorekin eta @Txikipedia-rekin Korrikari buruz!

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

Reminder to anyone who said "Meta wouldn't do anything to Fediverse, we should let them join!"

Meta is now automatically muting all posts that mention PixelFed, so it's users can't read about any alternatives to its services.

Just remember, *Every time advocacy groups warn about tech/capitalism, believe them.* We don't make shit up, we use history of actions and facts to state our reasons to be against it.

If your instance isn't part of @FediPact please urge your admins to join or move to another instance who is.

And if you want proof, ask the general public what Jabber/XMPP was, and then ask what Google how they killed it.

EDIT: *Please* send support to the creator of the FediPact, @vantablack as she is homeless. This is possible because of them.

#fedipact #meta #pixelfed #eff

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

A group of climate scientists in Spain has issued a stark warning. Here are some excerpts...

To limit average global warming to 1.5°C, the total amount of CO₂ emissions that must not be exceeded is known as the "remaining carbon budget." In January 2023, the budget for a 50% chance of keeping warming to 1.5°C was about 250 gigatons of CO₂. This budget is steadily decreasing at current rates of human-induced emissions (42 gigatons per year) and will be completely used up by 2028.

The combustion of developed fossil fuel reserves — oil and gas fields and coal mines currently in production or under construction — will emit four times more than the remaining carbon budget.

The goal of no more than 1.5°C warming requires a complete halt to exploration for new fossil fuel deposits, a halt to the licensing of new fossil fuel extraction, and the premature closure of a very significant share (75%) of oil, gas, and coal extraction projects currently in production or already developed.


These scientists are saying we need to stop, or at least slow down drastically.

The graph below illustrates what is needed. That’s what the scientists are asking for. They know what must be done to prevent disastrous climate breakdown.

So, do you think corporations and governments will listen to them and do the right thing?

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency

Inguruan somatzen nabil streaming bidez, noiznahi ikusteko interes hazkorra. Zuek ez?

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada
Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada
Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada
Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

We are 15 million users here. Thanks Mastodon to exist. Thanks the Open Web.


Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

Berdin dio #23KORRIKA ren zein kilometroz ari naizen. :korrika:

Handia litzateke Mihiluzeko zaku handia nork eta Josu Jonek eroatea... @etb

Erakutsi zaharragoak

Jalgi hadi Fedibertsora! E.H.ko Mastodon instantzia burujabea