Eble por akiri #прекратитьвойну #gerrariEZ #StopWar necesus kemie kastri la batalajn virŝafojn. Ŝajnas al mi, ke troa testosterono povas konduki ilin fari malĝustajn kaj neinversigeblajn decidojn.
Sobiet garaiko kartel bakezale ederra: "Hobe da orain aktibo izatea, ezi ez bihar radiaktibo" (V. A Bunakov, ca. 1985). Via @jsv #прекратитьвойну #gerrariEZ #StopWar
Ukrainiar jeltzale baten eskutik (ejem! Facebooken bazabiltzate, ziur ezagutzen duzuela pertsonai xelebre hau) errusiarrak "H bonba" termonuklear bat jaurti dabe Artykovka herrixan. #прекратитьвойну #gerrariEZ #StopWar
Bazkari giro zoragarrixa. Tabernia #EgunekoMenua jatera etorri garan jentez lepo. Ni justo ointxe jarri naiz. Nere onduan tente, neri begira, txandian zain dagozen 8 bat morrosko gosetu.🤭
We've prepared a zine collecting interviews and narratives from Ukrainian anarchists, presenting a range of perspectives on the history of Ukraine and the situation leading up to the Russian invasion.
Please print these out and distribute them! Start a reading group!
"The Russian invasion poses thorny questions. How do we oppose Russian state aggression without playing into the NATO agenda? How do we continue to oppose Ukrainian capitalists and fascists without helping Russia to justify the invasion? How do we keep organizing in a war?"
Anarkista errusiarren posizioa gerrari buruz (gazteleraz). https://crimethinc.com/2022/02/26/anarquistas-ruses-sobre-la-invasion-de-ucrania-actualizaciones-y-analisis-1 #прекратитьвойну #gerrariEZ #StopWar
Azken albistiekin izoztuta geratu naiz. Ukrania "urrin" dagola? Nere akorduan, ez gara sekulan egon gerra nuklear batetik hurrago. Eta Stingen "Russians" kantuakin gogoratu... https://youtu.be/h59SRiSW9t8
Barkatuko didazue Google Translate erabiltzea webgunea itzultzeko, baina esanguratsua iruditu zait: Errusiar Federazioko Alderdi Komunistak, Ezkerreko Fronteak, Alderdi Laborista Iraultzaileak, Mugimendu Sozialista Errusiarrak eta Ezkerreko Ekintza Sozialistak #Ukraina inbaditzeko #Putinek hartutako erabakia gaitzetsi dutela dirudi.
Gerretan, komunikabidiak propagandabide bihurtzen dira, informaziobide biharrian. Momentu honetan, Errusiako telebistan ohiko programaziñua aldatzen dabiz, saio propagandistikuekin ordezkatuz. Kalian, afixa haundixak Putin lehendakarixan mezuekin (Fedibertsoko esperantista errusiarren bidez jasotako infoa). Kaleko giro antibelizistiangaittik ete?
In this report, we cover the first day of grassroots resistance to Putin's invasion of #Ukraine in both #Russia and Ukraine and in other parts of the world—including information about how people can support anarchists in both countries, as well as Ukrainians who have been forced to flee.
report includes an interview with a newly-announced anarchist coordinating group in Ukraine, "The Committee of Resistance."
They will be fielding public inquiries about what anarchists are doing and experiencing in Ukraine here:
Please share widely.
To our tremendous dismay, our website is currently inexplicably offline.
For now, you can access everything here, including our Ukraine coverage:
Please circulate this far and wide so that nothing can stop us!
Against Russian imperialist aggression: A call from Ukrainian anarchists
Our comrades in #Ukraine are requesting people to demonstrate tonight at 7 pm in front of Russian embassies (or other suitable locations) worldwide.
If Russians can protest the invasion—despite the threats of Putin and his police—you can do it too.
The Russian embassies and consulates in the US are in NYC, DC, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. In Canada, they are in Toronto, Montreal, and Ottawa.
Please circulate widely!
Oier Gorosabel Larrañagaren B kontua. Normalian hamen idatzikot: https://mastodon.eus/@txikillana