Erakutsi berriagoak

Laŭ tio, kion mi legas en la amaskomunikiloj ĉi tie, mi flaras, ke la NATO-mondo intencas lasi Ukrainion esti disbatita de Rusio, koncentriĝante al la akcepto de rifuĝintoj. Ni ne devus permesi ĝin. Bildo: "Via laboro: la unua linio de la lukto por paco" (A. Utkin)

Pseudo Txikillana (r)en bultzada

Basoa sortzeko,
Klima aldaketaren eraginari aurre egiteko,
Zerbitzu ekosistemikoak hobetzeko,
Malda handiko lurzoruak babesteko,
Kalitate handiko landare-estalkiak edukitzeko,

Arrazoi gehiago behar dituzu azaltzeko?

Pseudo Txikillana (r)en bultzada

The View from #Ukraine, the View from #Russia

A protester in Russia and an exile from the Donbas region of Ukraine tell their stories, describing the invasion of Ukraine from their vantage points.

Center the voices of ordinary Ukrainians and Russians!

"While some supposed 'leftists' in the English-speaking world have parroted Vladimir Putin’s talking points, excusing the Russian invasion by blaming NATO or speculating that the thousands of Ukrainians who have already been killed must be fascists, we believe that any responsible engagement with these events must center the voices of ordinary Ukrainians and Russians who oppose military aggression. Rather than being mere information consumers, rather than abetting the imperial ambitions of dictators or looking to other self-interested governments to contain those ambitions, we have to build relations of real solidarity with the people who are immediately affected by this invasion—in Ukraine, in Russia, in Belarus, and elsewhere."

Sobiet garaiko kartel antimilitarista/ekologista bilduma txundigarria. Aurreko egunean zabaldutako A. Sokolovena, eta beste. via @jsv Irudian: "Planetaren ahotsak EZETZ diotsa eromen nuklearrari" (E. A. Khazdan)

Europa, AEB-en txotxongillo: St Petersburgetik Washingtonerako bidai diplomatiko bat urten ei da. Gerra Hotz garaiko NATO disolbatu biharko litzake, eta armak entregatu.

Pseudo Txikillana (r)en bultzada

" #NATO is a suicide pill for #Europe and it is high time that Europe recognises that. And I think one of the by-products of this current crisis, this debacle, this tragedy, whatever you want to call it in #Ukraine, because there's nothing good about it, I mean I'm happy the #nazis are being kicked out, but this is a #human tragedy, but the one thing that could came out of this is that maybe Europe wake up that there is no #legitimate reason to continue the NATO alliance and maybe people like Macron can start putting forward this concept of a new European security framework that respects #Russia's spheres of influence"

Errusian, gerraren aurkako protestarako bandera txuri-urdin-txuri bat erabiltzeko proposamenak agertu omen dira : marra gorri odoltsurik gabeko errusiar bandera. Zuria eta urdina, baita ere Veliky Novgoroden koloreak dira, batzuetan Moskuren alternatiba (historikoki) demokratikoagotzat hartzen dena. Beraz, bandera hori ikusten baduzu badakizu zerena den. via @jsv

Errusiako lagunen arabera, euren Jaurlaritzak komunikabide independenteak ixten dihardu, tartian oiñ arte oposiziñokuak izan EZ dirazenak. "Todo es ETA" dotriñia, Errusian. Espainiako epailien ereduari jarraittuta ete?

bat: Joan Manuel Serrat gustatzen jata, baiña ez egitten daben indioillar-vibrato exajerau hori.

Pseudo Txikillana (r)en bultzada

Europar Batasunetik RT eta Sputnik hedabideak irakurri nahi badituzu, zentzura gainditu behar duzu. Hori egiteko, bi aukera:

1. TOR erabili
2. Bitmask erabili (Riseup aukeratu hornitzaile gisa eta EBtik kanpoko hiriburu bat aukeratu)

Lehen aukeraren alde egitea gomendatzen dizut.

Android eta Iphone-n erabiltzaileek ezingo dute RT eta Sputnik hedabideen aplikazioak deskargatu

cc @argia

Pseudo Txikillana (r)en bultzada

From another longstanding Russian anarchist group, another statement against the invasion, emphasizing the complicity of those who make excuses for Putin.

Don't listen to random Anglophones about this. Listen to the ones risking their freedom in Russia, the ones who understand Putin's agenda best:

"Those who are culpable for the war crimes that are being committed right now before our eyes—rocket attacks on cities and villages, the killing of civilians, the use of prohibited ammunition—are not only those who give orders and participate in hostilities, but also those who support or excuse these actions directly or indirectly."

"We urge everyone by any possible means to demand an end to the war and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine!"

KITAPENA: aspaldi kobratzeko zenuen faktura baten diruak herabetasuna kentzen dizunean.

Pseudo Txikillana (r)en bultzada

Following up our zine about Ukraine, we've prepared a zine collecting statements from Russian anarchists opposing the invasion of Ukraine, exploring its repercussions in Russia and arguing for international solidarity.

Please print and distribute widely!

"Whether Russians decide to support this invasion at great cost to themselves—or to oppose Putin at great risk to themselves—may determine what happens in Ukraine. We owe it to the Russians who are protesting to learn how they see the invasion and what it means for their lives."

Pseudo Txikillana (r)en bultzada

Kara @jsv , mi disvastigis en mia medio la belan pacifistan afiŝon, kiun vi reakiris hieraŭ, kaj ĝi ŝajnas esti sukcesa.

Erakutsi zaharragoak

Jalgi hadi Fedibertsora! E.H.ko Mastodon instantzia burujabea