Erakutsi berriagoak

#597 4/6


Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

Twitterren txio asko ari da botatzen @aldatugidoia n baina zuetako batzuk ez zaudetenez bertan, ba interesgarria irudituko zaizuelakoan

Erakutsi haria
Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

Formas de romper una relación:
- Cara a cara
- Por teléfono
- Por carta
- A través de terceras personas
- Por messenger
- Por SMS
- Por whatsapp
- Por el BON (Boletín Oficial de Navarra)
- ...
—No te pases... ¿Por el BON?
—Por el BON.

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

2023, Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Sofrwarea, esleipenak.
Erabiltzaileak dena Euskaraz jarria.
Àlava eta Guipuzcoa, Bizkaia ongi itzulia.

"Txikikeri" hauek konpondu arte, Europan eta Kongresuan egin dezatela Arameoz, berdin zait.

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

Spotify premiumera harpidetza bertan behera utzi berri. Linuxerako Nicotine, Androiderako Seeker eta Bandcamp bezalakoak izango dira nire lagunak orain.

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

Lasai, irakasle. Amaitu da iraileko lehen eguna. Hartu arnasa. Bota arnasa. Laster dituzu ikasleak zurekin. Baina dena ondo joango da. Hartu arnasa.

Aizu, eta aurten gurekin batera Wikipedia proiektu bat abian jartzen baduzu zure ikasleekin? Bota arnasa.

Idatziguzu: hezkuntza [a] wikimedia [.] eus.

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

Ez dakit jakin duzuen euskarazko ikusentzunezkoak sustatzeko kanpaina bat jarri dela martxan babes nahiko totxoa ari dena lortzen, irailaren 9an aurkeztuko da eta zuen eragileak bat egin nahi badu emailez kontakta dezakezue en ^^

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

🌊 Kasu!

Udara betean Olatukoopen kudeaketa eta dinamizazioa egiteko #LanEskaitza zabaldu dugu.

Iraileko itzulera honetan interkooperazioa, lurraldea eta ekonomiaren eraldaketaren ildoetan lan egiteko interesa baduzu, idatzi arrazoiekin eta zure lan esperientziarekin.

#ESE 🌊

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada
Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

Josu Goikok itzulitako hau udal guztietan mesedez.
12 arrazoi zuhaitzak landatzeko.

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

Imaginad que decís que os gustan los gatos pero que no os gusta que llenen todo de pelo, ni que se afilen las uñas, ni que ronroneen, ni que se os suban pidiendo mimos. Imaginad que no sorportais tener un arenero o tener redes en las ventanas. Pero os gustan los gatos.

Pues los "heteros" y que todo lo referente a "la mujer" os disguste, moleste u os repulse

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

I was the victim of an extremely clever card fraud/social engineering hack.

Well, partly a victim since I managed to stop it.

I was called by my bank, as they wanted to “verify some suspect transactions on my account”.

Then things got weird…


Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada
Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

Ipar Afrikako hiru neska migratzailetik batek sexu-abusuak edo beste genero indarkeria mota batzuk jasan edo ikusi izan ditu bere jaioterrietatik segurtasun bila ihesi zebilela. Migratzaileen eta errefuxiatuen egoera antzekoa da beste ibilbide batzuetan. 50 iheslari eta migratzailetatik bat hil edo desagertzen da Europaranzko Mediterraneoko bideetan, eta haurrek indarkeria eta baldintza ankerrak pairatzen dituzte iristen direnean. Horri buruz idazten dut Gazteberrin:

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

i still think this is the funniest block reason my school has ever set

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

En un giro inesperado del guión, la madre de Rubiales sube al campanario de la iglesia y despliega una pancarta que dice: "Hijo, estoy cansada y tengo hambre, si tienes huevos dimite ya de una pvta vez..."

Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

45 climate scientists were asked what we thought of this years' climate disasters. Here are the highlights.

We all pretty much agree that "despite it certainly feeling as if events had taken a frightening turn, global heating to date is entirely in line with 3 decades of scientific predictions. But being proved right is cold comfort, as our warnings had so far been largely in vain."

"Climate science’s projections are pretty robust over the last decades. Unfortunately, humanity’s stubbornness to spew out ever higher amounts of greenhouse gases has also been pretty robust." @meinshausen

"What we are seeing this year is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, of what we expect to happen,” says Natalie Mahowald, and "this will become the average summer in 10 years’ time unless the world cooperates and puts climate action top of the agenda" adds Piers Forster.

As Gavin Schmidt said previously, we are not surprised, but we are shocked. Krishna AchutaRao agrees, adding that "the impacts are frighteningly more impactful than I – and many climate scientists I know – expected.”

As a result, psychological distance is decreasing. “I do think we are hitting a tipping point in global consciousness,” I said. “Nearly everyone can now point to someone or somewhere they love that is being affected by wildfire smoke, heat extremes, flooding, and more.”

And we all agree about what needs to be done. “We need to stop burning fossil fuels,” says Fredi Otto. “Now."

* By "we," we mean starting with the biggest emitters. As Paola Arias says, "We need a just + equitable transition. A very small % of the population is responsible for most greenhouse gas emissions.” [specifically, Oxfam finds that the richest 1% produce 2x the carbon of the poorest 50%]


Joseba Barandiaran (r)en bultzada

So, #wikipedia is fun, but depending on the language you can see the bias or what some people try to impose or want to hide.

Today's example: Gamazada. During this Basque revolt in 1893, the Spanish civil guard killed 6 people.

The Basque Wikipedia ( mentions that 6 (Basque) people were killed and a number of other civilians were injuried.

Neither the Spanish ( or the English ( one say anything about the people killed.

Erakutsi zaharragoak

Jalgi hadi Fedibertsora! E.H.ko Mastodon instantzia burujabea