Egañaren hau... SOS bat botatzeko modukoa da. Ze gizarte eraiki dugun pentsatuz
NBE-ko Craig Mokhiber-ek dimisioa eman du. "Manualeko genozidioa da".
"...Es un caso de genocidio de manual. El proyecto colonial y etnonacionalista europeo de los colonos en Palestina ha entrado en su fase final, hacia la destrucción acelerada de los últimos restos de vida palestina nativa en Palestina".
Hementxe dimisio gutun osoa:
Egun on, mastodondarrok!
Nonbaitetik hasi behar eta eguneko tiratik hasiko naiz. Hemen gaurkoa (azaroak 2).
Ez tiro egin anbulantziei.
REMINDER: ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, and other large trained neural models are NOT "artificial intelligence", they're just stochastic parrots, remixing and regurgitating what they've been fed. There's no theory-of-mind involved, so no understanding: there's no "there" there. (A real live parrot exhibits more intelligence than this.)
Don't call it AI; call it parrot-tech. That way you'll have a better perspective on what it can (and can't) do.
Bihar, euskararen alde elkartuko gara Bilbon, 17:00etan, Euskaldunan! #A4DenokBilbora #EuskararekinBat #EuskarazBat
Kaixo deneri!😉
Aspaldi mastodonen berririk zabaldu gabe genbiltzan.
Isiltasuna apurtzeko honako gomita luzatzen dizuegu:
👉 Ekonomia Sozial Eraldatzailea Erdi Mailako Lanbide Heziketan nola txertatu daitekeen jakin nahi duzu? Software librean oinarrituta ikasle kooperatiba bat nola sortu daitekeen jakiteak erakartzen al zaitu?
👉 Zatoz azaroaren 22an, asteazkenarekin, Oreretako Torrekua eraikinera. 10etatik 12etara hantxe izango gara Ilargikoop proiektua aurkezten.
Los datos que recopila cada aplicación de mensajería instantánea.
Un bombardeo en el campo de refugiados de Yabalia, en Gaza, ha dejado este martes más de un centenar de víctimas, mientras el secretario de Estado de EE UU pide al Senado más dinero para que Israel se rearme.
Zertara dator, gaur, gure herriko hedabideak ematen ari diren notizia?
Zergatik azpimarratu EAEk 36 etorkin jasoko dituela Kanariar irletatik datozenak?
Irunera, egunero, kanariar irletatik datozen dozena bat migrante iristen dira; ixil-ixilik, bonborik gabe, eta egunero jendea dute zain, esku bat botazeko, ixil-ixilik, bonborik gabe. Egunero. Egunero. Egunero. Irunen.
X utzi izanaz pozik, Anwgatik penatuta.
I am Jewish, I was born in Israel. No I don’t live there anymore.The war in Gaza is not in my name.
I spent most of my professional career looking at separation barriers just like the Israel Palestinian one. It helped me to understand the situation by using a very traditional artistic language, that of landscape photography. I went around in catalog three of these types of fence over the last 20 years. What and I discovered Wass that these fences and barriers are use not for strategic purposes, but in order to other the human beings on the other side of that barrier.
There is no excuse for slaughtering children by any side. For that matter by any country or organised force.
Add some of us have been saying, for a long time the liberation of Israelis is not separate from the liberation of all Palestinians. Genetically speaking, most Israelis are closest match to Palestinians and Druz people. And both people came from the same place. Why are those that have the most power bear the more of the responsibility. Murder of children is murder of children. Eradication of Palestinians is never OK.Equal rights for equal people.
two final footnotes
the work I have done:
I am dyslexic, so expressing myself eloquently is very hard.
🔴 La noche del viernes ha supuesto un punto de inflexión en la invasión de Israel a Palestina con constantes ataques terrestres, la incursión del ejército israelí en el territorio y el total aislamiento de la zona.
Euskaldun kooperatibista potojorralaria.
Opinions expressed are my own.
Ahal dela, euskaraz.