
NFTen asmatzailetako baten iritzia teknologiak hartu duen bidez. Joan dem urtekoa da, baina oso interesgarria.


@galaipa (1/3) Enuen ezagutzen eta gustokoa izan dut irakurketa. Reflexio polita eta poliki irakurtzekoa.

Honako esaldiek argi azaltzen dute egoera:

@galaipa (2/3) "In the early days of digital music, the advent of MP3s and new distribution systems was supposed to allow artists to sell directly to fans. In the early days of social media, companies made blogging technologies with the promise that writers would be able to communicate directly with their readers. This pattern played out in industry after industry."

@galaipa (3/3)"But these changes left creators at the mercy of companies far more powerful, far more ruthless, and far less accountable than the record labels and publishers they’d disrupted. Musicians and writers gained direct access to their audiences, but its cost was a precarity that few could have imagined before their field was disrupted. Artists were the original gig economy."

Eman izena elkarrizketan parte hartzeko

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