
RT @BostokPhoto@twitter.com

Taking advantage of the disobedience action organized by the @Ehun@twitter.com group a group of people in costumes helped some undocumented African migrants to cross the spanish-french border. (@GariGaraialde@twitter.com / @BostokPhoto@twitter.com)

🐦🔗: twitter.com/BostokPhoto/status

@GariGaraialde ingelesarekin laguntza nahi zenuela ikusi dut beste tut batean: Taking advantage of the acts of disobedience organized by @Ehun@twitter.com, a group of people in costumes helped some undocumented African migrants cross the Spanish-French border. (@GariGaraialde@twitter.com / @BostokPhoto@twitter.com)

@josebagabilondo bai, 'taking advantage' horrekin dudak nituen, ez dakit zuzen erabili nuen.

@GariGaraialde badago "ingeles globala" deritzona eta hor hutsegite txikiak onargarriak dira, koiné bat dela. onartzen dugulako. Nire ikasle txinar askok baino askozaz hobeto idazten duzu ;-)

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